Guest rooms designed with just you in mind are only the beginning of your pleasant and memorable stay with us. There are 699 rooms, including deluxe rooms, superior business rooms and a range of luxury suites. Guest rooms with different views are equipped with the most modern facilities to make your traveling be more convenient. Swift commerce on line:Broadband socket in every room. You can access internet in all public area even in the central garden. Hotel mobile phones:With the in-hotel mobile phone, you don’t need to worry about your miss call when you leave room. Professional Hotel TV system:You not only can watch TV program what you want, but also search information about this hotel and the city. Executive floors:Located on the 5/F and 6/Fof Block 2. Executive floors come up with the most elegant and deluxe rooms. Our housekeepers will offer you a warm and hospitable service to make sure you have a lovely stay.